Contact Form


POST v01 - Email and form data submit {json}


Send an email with all form data for save it and send email to tenant access_token user

Authorization Bearer Token

token {{API_KEY}}


X-Lang {{X-Lang}}

Body formdata

checkin 25/08/2019

(string) Checkin date Italian format dd/mm/YYYY

checkout 30/08/2019

(string) Checkout date Italian format dd/mm/YYYY


(string) Email of sender

first_name Artur

(string) First name of sender

last_name Postman

(string) Last name of sender

_form[extra][message] TEST with Postman

(string)[optional] TEXT of form request

_form[extra][telephone] 1234567

(string)[optional] TEXT of form request

adults 2

(integer)[optional] Adults number

children 2

(integer)[optional] Children number

children_age 3,6

(string)[optional] Children age


(integer)[optional] Id of the form data request type (1 - Camping, 2 - Village, 3 - )

lang_code it

(string)[optional] ISO locale of form_data language (for response lang set X-Lang header)


(string)[optional] Email to which send (if diferent from the owner of acces_token an carbon copy will be sent to the owner also)

_email[to_name] Buonsito

(string)[optional] Name to which send (if to_email/to_name are ommitted the one of owner of access token will be used)

_email[subject] Custom subject of email (v1)

(string)[optional] Default is: Preventivo richiesto da/Estimate request from :name - :to_name :from_name - :to_name

_email[extra][template] forms.simple_html.base

(string)[optional] Template to use for send email default is: forms.simple_html.base

_email[extra][quote_structures] 2

[Custom] filed make sense only with campingenatura template

verbose true

(bool)[optional] Get the Exception message when debug an error